From Existing Franchisees

I am a franchisee. How can The Unstoppable Franchisee help me improve my business?

Think of The Unstoppable Franchisee not as a regular business book, but instead like having a coach sitting across the table from you. You use The Unstoppable Franchisee; you don’t only read it for its good ideas. You will be asked to think hard about your business and where the biggest challenges are and how to solve them. You’ll be asked to look at where your biggest opportunities lie and what steps to take to seize them. You’ll be asked to take a hard look at how you lead and how much you are investing in your team. And you have the benefit of reading insights of top-performing franchisees and franchisors from all across America. The goal is to make you unstoppable.

I am a multi-unit operator with several locations – how can The Unstoppable Franchisee help me?

In several ways. There are specific drivers that will help you assess and improve your own management and leadership skills, and your operational processes. These drivers create a uniform and consistent communication structure, thus improving communication, accountability and performance management with each of your unit managers. Having them learn and apply the principles in The Unstoppable Franchisee will enable them to become more self-driven and self-accountable, enabling them to become stronger extensions of you.

Is The Unstoppable Franchisee practical? Can I use the ideas right away?

The Unstoppable Franchisee has ideas you, your unit managers and your key team members can use right away. And these are no ordinary ideas — they come from top-performing franchisees from all across North America. And the ideas are gathered into 7 key drivers that together give you a playbook you can build now and continue to use through the life of your business. By completing the exercises and activities, you and your team will be able to figure out what steps to take to solve your most urgent challenges, and what steps to take to seize the best opportunities to grow your business. Plus you have insights from top franchisees of world-class brands to get you on the right path to growth and efficiency.

There is a concept in The Unstoppable Franchisee called the Growth Helix. What is it and what does it do?

The Growth Helix is a unique and proprietary concept not available anywhere else. It is a tool to help you strengthen the core activities of your business, and once you have done this you can look at how you can “experiment around the edges” to look at ways to innovate your business and stay ahead of the competition. You will read about how franchisees came up with new approaches to their business that other franchisees adopted to the benefit of the whole brand. But the first step was to lock down their core business activities and then innovate from a position of strength and confidence.

How do the ideas in The Unstoppable Franchisee help me connect with my customers?

You know that with running a business, if you have no customers, you have no business. Serving your customers well is your most important job. It is the most important job of your team. All the advertising in the world won’t help you unless you have customers who have a great experience with your product or service. You have the benefit of the author’s personal experience as an entrepreneur, the deep research, and the wisdom of top-performing franchisees and franchisors to draw on to reflect hard about the customer experience you are providing and how you can lead your team to be aware, empathetic, and genuine with customers. Many of those interviewed stress how connecting to your community is incredibly important. While you likely appreciate this as a necessary business practice, perhaps there is room for improvement.

From Franchisors

I am a franchisor. How can The Unstoppable Franchisee help me build my brand and make my business sustainable?

The Unstoppable Franchisee will prove its value in the field. Give it to your franchisees and Field Coaches. Learn how to use the collective knowledge that is guiding the hard work of the franchisees to lift every franchisee’s business. The ideas in the book provide a clear line of sight to driving performance and strategies to move flagging businesses back into the performance zone. You can also use the book to attract potential franchisees and onboard them, and speed up the learning curve every new franchisee goes through. Finally, if you are thinking of an exit in the next three to five years, this book will help you strengthen and grow your brand.

I have an upcoming conference – how much does Gary customize his presentations?

Every conference is different, and every audience will need relevant content that address the current issues, opportunities and challenges. Gary can draw upon any of the 7 drivers of The Unstoppable Franchisee; as well, he can speak to a range of topics he’s acquired expertise on over his 30+ years in franchising.

What’s involved in seeing if Gary is suitable for my audience?

It’s critical that Gary understands your objectives and desired outcomes for your event, and that you’re comfortable with his ability to deliver the kind of session you want. Contact us to set up an initial call with Gary to discuss things further.

Getting in touch with Gary

How can I connect with Gary? Can I reach out to talk about challenges or just ask questions?

You can connect with Gary in LinkedIn
You can also reach Gary at